Our senses absorb wonder and beauty as we nourish our soul to overflowing. In this blog, I will share things that nourish my soul. I find wonder in many places in my life; music, books, nature, people, art, travel, food, passion, creativity and much more. In sharing these sources of wonder with others, my hope is to spread the feeling of pure, innocent joy felt in the hearts of those who truly absorb the wonder. Fill your cup, pass it on, then fill another and so on . . .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Secret of the Shadow by Debbie Ford

The Secret of the Shadow by Debbie Ford is a book that truly continues to benefit me long after reading it.  I would even say that it changed not only the way I viewed myself but my life.  It helped me to see things so differently.  I always suggest this book to friends and loved ones as I think it can benefit everyone for different reasons.  If you or someone you know is truly struggling with life, with the events of the past, with who they are, you may want to suggest this book.  It is an easy read and a fabulous tool for life.  Gain some new perspective and soak up the wonder that is in you.

The Secret of the Shadow by Debbie Ford

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