Our senses absorb wonder and beauty as we nourish our soul to overflowing. In this blog, I will share things that nourish my soul. I find wonder in many places in my life; music, books, nature, people, art, travel, food, passion, creativity and much more. In sharing these sources of wonder with others, my hope is to spread the feeling of pure, innocent joy felt in the hearts of those who truly absorb the wonder. Fill your cup, pass it on, then fill another and so on . . .

Saturday, March 12, 2011

To Everything A Season By Joyce Hifler

I think that this book, To Everything A Season by Joyce Hifler, is one of those must reads in life. The book is inspirational and I have always found it a great resource to return to in trying times. I want to share this excerpt today in the hopes that it will bring you some of the same gifts that it has brought to my life, peace, strength and renewed perspective. Here is a favorite excerpt of mine from the book.

Life has its seasons . . . fresh, young, unpredictable . . . fretful at times . . . and yes, golden and strong in labor . . . rapid in growth . . . brave and pensive and fruitful . . . blending gradually until . . . one season is well on its way . . . before another has quite finished its work . . .
Through all seasons . . . through all the swift changes . . . of cold and heat . . . emotional outbursts . . . strengths and weaknesses . . . the pendulum of preservation swings wide with faith . . . because man can still control . . . the changes in his life . . . so that a springlike atmosphere . . . prevails right through autumn and winter . . . however hard the conditions seem . . . outside himself . . . if he has . . . an inner strength . . . he has nothing to fear . . . for then he knows . . . He knows the changes are beautiful . . . beautiful in their very nature . . . created to be so . . . And man need not resist . . . nor cry, nor find war a necessity . . . for there is a time in every life . . . a time to be born . . . a time to laugh . . . a time to weep . . . a time to seek . . . a time to love . . . a time to keep silence . . . a time for every purpose . . . a purpose for every thing under heaven!

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